Introduction to Nursing (GHC)

Julius Fleschner Rebecca Maddox ( Michelle Boyce Debbie Amason Paula Stover )
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Nursing is considered both a science and an art. As a result, it requires a specialized body of knowledge and specific technical skills to provide care for individuals in various states of wellness and illness. Nursing care takes place in many settings: Hospitals, emergency rooms, urgent care, health departments, community clinics, schools, and corrections facilities – just to name a few. Nurses are constantly on the frontlines of healthcare, caring for people every day.
Nursing has been voted the most trusted profession for the past 17 years (Brenan, 2018). The public is most aware of the caring component; however, another side is often overlooked – the science. Healthcare is based on a strong foundation in the natural and social sciences. Nurses blend scientific principles from biology, psychology, and sociology with practice standards and “an insightful and compassionate approach to patient care” (Potter, Perry, Stockert, and Hall, p. 1, 2017). A competent nurse also masters the art of nursing which encompasses emotional intelligence, empathy, and critical thinking.

This open textbook will help students:

understand the scope of professional nursing roles
introduce them to the vast responsibilities, fund of knowledge, and aptitudes required of modern nurses
master important information about the nursing profession
decide whether a nursing career is a good fit
increase confidence before entering a nursing program.
Topics progress from the history of nursing to the role of the professional nurse within modern healthcare settings. 
Content areas include:

historical and contemporary influences on modern nursing practice
professional identity and nurse self-care
legal and ethical considerations
evidenced-base practice, safety, and quality improvement
cultural considerations and the art and science of patient-centered caring
healthcare systems, organizations, and informatics
teamwork and collaboration
educational preparation and licensure requirements
Subject matter is supported by evidence-based nursing research, professional standards, Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN, 2019) competencies, online resources, and nursing textbooks. The authors hope this open textbook will help students be more confident in mastery of this introductory material.

Debbie Amason, DNP, MS, RN (Professor)
Paula Stover, DNP, RN, CNS (Associate Professor) 
Biblio Notes
This LibGuides-based open textbook was created through a Round 13 Textbook Transformation Grant. The text covers an overview of nursing history, professional roles, professional education, legal and ethical considerations, evidence based practice, caring, the culture of nursing, technology and informatics, and nursing theories.

A backup PDF of the entire text and a .zip file of individual PDF chapters is also available for download.

Course Title
Introduction to Nursing

Course Number
NURS 1000

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Publication Date
Summer 2020

University System of Georgia



Recommended Citation
Boyce, Michelle; Amason, Debbie; Stover, Paula; Fleschner, Julius; and Maddox, Rebecca, "Introduction to Nursing (GHC)" (2020). Nursing and Health Sciences Open Textbooks. 8.  
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